Me , I

Assalamualaikum and hye :) I'm alone on my own and that's all I know.I'll be strong and I'll be wrong.Life goes on.I'm just a girl trying to find a place in this world.I'm original me."A strong girl is one is able to smile this morning like she wasn't crying last night."This quotes are use by girls out there and also me.Don't judge me if you can't handle of what I've been dealt with.There's a reason I do the things I do.There's a reason I am who I am.

I'm perfect in my imperfections,happy in my pain,strong in my weaknesses and beautiful in my own because I'm me.No one has the right to judge me because no one really knows what I've beer through.They may have heard about my stories but they never felt what was felt in my heart.You guys know what,the prettiest smiles hide deepest secrets.The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears and the kindness hearts have felt the most pain.

Family alike friends because they also doesn't know what we feel.They just like to hurt our heart,Parents want the best from me but they don't know that life is not easy as they think.Not everything that us faced.It's funny how I can do nice things for people all the time and they never notice but once I make a mistakes,it's never forgotten.

I'm not a perfect person,I make a lot of mistakes but still I love those people who stay with me after knowing how I really am.Actually,everybody wants happiness nobody wants pain but you can have a rainbow without a little rain.Just smile can make our life beautiful.Am I right?All it takes is one song to bring back 1000 memories.Pretending to be happy when I are in pain is just an example of how strong I as a person.

*The world hold million of things you can play with.And a person's feelings is definitely not one of them.